How to start journaling

Journaling has become something that I have come to rely on. It’s a great way to start your day and create the focus you are looking for. Journaling at the end of the day can help wind down, decompress and process your day. Writing down worries or stressors can even help you get a better night’s sleep!  Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. It can be intimidating to just stare at a blank page and come up with something to write.  Let’s talk about some great ways to get started!

How to start journaling~

1.Use some journaling prompts:

Journal prompts are great when you are getting started at journaling and even for someone who has been doing it for a while. It helps give your journaling structure and focus and it can also encourage creativity by allowing you to look at something a different way.

Here are some ideas for journaling prompts:

  • Try my 25 morning journal prompts
  • The Holistic Psychologist & Future self Journaling (another one to check out her whole site)
    • The Holistic Psychologist has her own brand of journaling called Future Self Journaling
    • It focuses conscious awareness around behaviors and patterns
    • What is a behavior that I want to focus on to change
    • What are 3 traits of my future self (without that behavior)
    • How will I get there?
      • actionable steps to help achieve a life without that behavior
  • REAL journaling in the evening-
    • Relax/Recharge- how did I relax or recharge today
    • Enjoy- what is something I enjoyed
    • Appreciated- what did I appreciate
    • Learn- something that I learned or am learning
  • Dwell in Magic journal prompts (this is a link to her journal prompts specifically, but definitely take a tour around her whole blog!)

This blog- Dwell in Magic is a place that I found when I was going thorough a difficult but transformative time in my life. She has so many posts that helped me do some soul searching, learning of true self care, how it’s okay to love your kids and take care of yourself. I highly recommend taking some time to go through this site and take it all in! I just know you will find some wonderful things to take from it.

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • 3 things that you did well today
  • 5 places you would like to travel to
  • Your favorite quotes
  • 3 things that you are thankful for today (be specific)
  • Something that you are looking forward to
  • What did your life look like 5 years ago, what do you hope it looks like in 5 years
  • 25 things that make you happy
  • Things you want to learn to do
  • List of books you want to read
  • List from A-Z describing yourself
  • Goals
  • Your morning and evening routines
  • Bucket list
  • Home projects
  • Write a letter to someone~ you never have to give it to them, just write to get those feelings out

2.Use bullet Journaling

Have you heard of this?  It’s like combining art, scrapbooking, to-do lists and crafting all in one!

Check out these blogs to see all about it! (just click on each one to be taken to their blog)

She Tried What

Oprah Magazine

3.Having different journals for specific things/events:

Do you like to keep things separate? You can have multiple journals for different topics. 

Travel journal~

    • Keep a journal when you are traveling
    • All those little things that make the trip so special, write that down!!
    • It seems like we will remember things that happen during travel, but we soon forget

Quotes or prayers journal~

Start writing down quotes or prayers that really speak to you. bring some creativity to it!

I have started this specific one & I love it- click here to see my blog post about it! 

Dream journal~

    • Write them down right when you wake up, because that is when we remember them the most!
    • How cool would it be to look back on your dreams over the years

Gratitude journal~

    • There is always something to be grateful for- focusing on gratitude is a proven way to feel more joyful 
    • How special would that be to just have a place to look to be reminded of all of the awesome things that happen each day!
    • It could even just be 1 thing each day, at the end of the year you would have 365 different things that make you smile

Projects journal~

    • If you are someone who dabbles in DIY, this may be the perfect journal!
    • whenever I have done a project around the house there are always things that happen that would be fun to look back on
    • You could also write down tips or things you learned & don’t want to relearn!

Holidays/Special events journal~

    • Keep a yearly entry of Christmas, Thanksgiving or even Halloween if that’s your thing
    • Track what made it special
    • A great way to remember traditions

Birthday journal~

    • Each year on your birthday journal about how you feel turning this new age
    • What things made the day special
    • Reflect on the past year
    • Definitely starting this one this year!!! 

Thank you so much for stopping by. Remember to take care of YOU & treat yourself like you would your best friend.

How I can help!

With Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching:

  • Did you know that I have been a nurse for over 16 years and am also a holistic wellness coach?
  • If you ready for a real change in your life that allows you to heal and find real wellness- physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then wellness coaching is for you!!
  • Try a complimentary session!!

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As a member you get:

1. A Meditation available every Wednesday. This helps support your mental and emotional wellness by aiding in your stress reduction.

2. A new healthy recipe available each Sunday, so that you can go into your week prepared with healthy choices to help support your physical wellness.

3. A monthly wellness challenge that will change each month. The challenge will include a printable calendar with the challenge details as well as daily inspiration. The monthly challenge will rotate between things like movement, nutrition, and mindset. Helping you to create healthy routines and habits that support every aspect of your wellness!

4. Morning messages sent directly to you reminding you what the wellness challenge of the day is & inspiring you to complete it in practical ways.

5. Access to a member-only Facebook group that will allow you to connect with others who are also improving their wellness and enhance the feeling of community and accountability!

5. All videos and content, once released, you can watch whenever you want, as many times as you want.

And get ready for this…. you get everything I mentioned above included for only $29 a month!!! That is less than $1 a day!

FREE wellness worksheets:

  • Just for signing up for my newsletter, you automatically get emailed my printable guide to wellness as well as getting access to many other worksheets that you can print off and use right away!!

Join my monthly book club:

What it is:

  • Facebook group: Real Life Book Club
  • Each month we read a new book- varied genre of books
  • I’ll post 6 discussion questions in the Facebook group at the end of the month. This is your time to interact with other book lovers!
  • Optional book club guide monthly emailed to you
  • Check out my Bookshop link with all of my past book club picks

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

e that allows you to heal and find real wellness- physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then wellness coaching is for you!



***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

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