Do you feel like your days are passing you by and they are just happening to you? I have felt like this before, and it does not feel good. I remember thinking that there has to be another way…
What I have learned is we don’t have to wait for someone or something else to change this feeling. We have the power; it is just about learning how to unlock it. One key to accomplish this is using intention setting. Now before you roll your eyes and think that I am losing it, hear me out!
Intentions are a way to create focus and meaning in a busy life. Taking a few moments each morning can literally change your day and when you change your days, you change your life.
Ready to get started? Here is how to do it in 6 steps:
- Start with asking yourself how you would like to feel today, or maybe it is easier to think about how you don’t want to feel. Some examples would be I want to feel joy, calm, healthy or I don’t want to feel unproductive, tired, frustrated.
- Once you have that clarity write it down. For this one, use positive statements so if you said I don’t want to feel tired, when you write it down say- I want to feel energized or awake. Write it on a sticky note or in your journal.
- Then, make it specific, not vague and add an intentional action, here are some examples…I intend to feel energized by eating whole foods, drinking 60 ounces of water and taking a walk around the block.
- I intend to feel calm by approaching challenges with an open mindset
- I intend to feel productive by writing out my top 3 priorities and focusing on them before anything else.
- Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize what this looks like when you fulfill your intention. Maybe you picture yourself smiling, checking off your to-do list, etc.
- Check in with yourself throughout the day and see how it’s going. Giving yourself grace and space to make adjustments as needed, or a reminder of your intention.
- Evaluate how you feel at the end of your day. What did you learn? What was most helpful? etc. Then repeat the next day!
How I can help!
With Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching:
- Did you know that I have been a nurse for over 18 years, I am a board-certified wellness coach and a certified nutrition coach?
- If you are ready to be happy with what you see in the mirror, to feel great about the number on the scale and to feel amazing in your jeans. then I can help you!
- Schedule your complimentary consultation!!
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What it is:
- Join my monthly book club
- When you sign up for the book club you will receive a list of each month’s book club pick for the year!
- At the end of each month, you will get a book club kit for that month’s book with the book club question, recipes inspired by the book and a playlist inspired by the book.
- If you like book discussions you can be involved with our Book Club Facebook group and/or a local in-person meeting!
- Check out my Bookshop link with all of my past book club picks
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- & if you want to dive into wellness a more, join my FREE private Facebook Group: Wellness for Real Life- body, mind and spirit
Be well,
***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!
D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.