Wellness Wednesday~ podcasts

Well Happy Wednesday! The Sun is out and it is a BEAUTIFUL morning!!! On this Wellness Wednesday I want to talk about Podcasts. Did you know that these FREE and amazing things can do so much!! There are millions of them and a what a great way to learn, enhance, change your mindset, etc…  I have started listening to podcasts in the morning- no TV, Social Media scrolling, etc. It has totally changed the way that my day starts.

My top podcasts right now are~

Oprah Super Soul Conversations:

Oprah interviews amazing people with wonderful topics. I have been inspired, brought to tears and filled with love just by listening to this podcast.

TED talks daily:

These are quick 15 minute TED talks. There are interesting topics and little tidbits of information

Fed + Fit:

This podcast is from Cassy Joy, who runs Fed and Fit website (Fedandfit.com). She is so smart about nutrition and clean eating and living ideas plus once you listen to her Instagram stories you will want to be her BFF.

The Crystal Paine Show:

Crystal Paine runs Moneysavingmom.com and has GREAT ideas on saving money and knows all the good deals. I have learned so many things from her. She also has amazing Instagram stories to check out!!


Julie runs PaleOMG.com and let me tell you- she is hilarious and knowledgeable When I ate strict Paleo for a year, I LIVED off of her recipes. Her podcast, website and Instagram stories are a must! Her recipe books are so helpful and I use them ALL the time!!!

Rise Podcast:

This is the newest on my list,  it’s hosted by Rachel Hollis . She has a website- thechicsite.com, is an amazing author (currently reading Girl Wash Your Face), and does a million cool things that I am excited to learn more about!!

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I would love to hear YOUR favorite Podcasts, please share!! Take care of yourself and be well today 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!!

Faith ♥


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

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