How to Declutter your mind

When you think of spring cleaning do you automatically think of the physical stuff? Sorting boxes, clothes, deep cleaning the bathrooms, and floors. Don’t forget to look at your mental space as well- just like standing in a cluttered room can feel overwhelming, having a mind that is cluttered with worry, anxious thoughts, negative self-talk, or wondering what others are thinking about us does the same thing. I want to show you how to spring clean your mind.

First let’s look at why it’s important:

When our mind is cluttered, it takes up the space that we need to be creative, joyful and to live the life that we want to be living! Decluttering our mental space, helps us have more room to focus on exactly what we want to be focusing on. A cluttered mind is not living in the present moment, not enjoy life fully, not able to make decisions and have focus and clarity.

How to Declutter Your Mind?

1. Awareness

Where are your thoughts spending most of the time? Take some time to give it some thought.

  • Are you holding on to resentment from something that happened in the past?
  • Do you find your self anxious and worrying about what will happen in the future?
  • Are you ruminating about things that said or did?
  • Negative self-talk?

2. Journaling

Try a brain dump journal if you feel like your thoughts are all over the place, if you are trying to make a decision, if something big just happened in your life, or if you feel like you have a “squirrel brain”. Allowing your thoughts to have some place to go is freeing.

3. Meditation

Meditation often gets confused with the goal of being to not have any thoughts, or to have a completely quiet mind. When starting out people tend to get frustrated because they think that they are doing it wrong because they can’t stop thinking. There is no way to meditate wrong. Meditation is called a practice because it is not meant to be perfected. It is meant to be practiced. There are many options these days, I personally prefer using a guided meditation with the help of an app. I am currently using Insight Timer, they have meditations starting at just a couple minutes long.

4. Limit social media and screen time

We live in a world of instant gratification. We can grab our phones and in a matter of seconds be in the lives of so many different people and all the dramas of the world. With that brings stress, anxiety, anger, sadness, lots of emotions. It contributes big time to having a cluttered mental space. Set parameters for yourself- like no screen time after 8pm, or have 1 day a week that you are social media free! Allowing space without screens is really important for our wellness.

5. Move your body

Moving your body regularly is good for all aspects of your health and wellness. Specifically, when we are looking at mental health moving your body helps decrease anxiety and depression and helps increase focus. But it doesn’t have to look a certain way. You don’t have to spend an hour in the gym every day for this to be effective. Find what you love to do, experiment with different things. Start small- workout 10-minutes a day, go on a walk after dinner, have a dance party in your kitchen.

Our mental wellness is an important part of our overall wellness. When we take the time to be aware of what’s happening up there, it can help sort out why we aren’t feeling our best, achieving our goals or not living the way we want to. I would love to hear what you think about spring cleaning for mental space. Is it something that you are going to try? If you are interested in exploring how to declutter your thoughts, I would love to have a 1:1 complimentary session with you to help you start this process! Schedule a time that works for you here on my calendar!

How I can help!

With Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching:

  • Did you know that I have been a nurse for over 15 years and am also a holistic wellness coach?
  • If you ready for a real change in your life that allows you to heal and find real wellness- physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then wellness coaching is for you!!
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  • Facebook group: Real Life Book Club
  • Each month we read a new book- varied genre of books
  • I’ll post 6 discussion questions in the Facebook group at the end of the month. This is your time to interact with other book lovers!
  • Optional book club guide monthly emailed to you
  • Check out my Bookshop link with all of my past book club picks

Join my Declutter Group:

What it is:

  • declutter 1 space (closet, drawer, shelf, room) each day
  • get inspiration and ideas from others
  • accountability
  • optional monthly decluttering check list emailed to you

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***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

****My posts are not to be taken as medical advice. Anything I talk about regarding fitness and nutrition, or any other lifestyle changes comes from my own personal experience or my individual client’s experiences, please consult with your personal medical provider or professional for your specific needs.

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