Dealing with stress in a healthy way

How to deal with stress in a healthy way

What happens in your body when you feel stress?

  • Stomachache
  • Headache
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Sweating
  • Irritable

And none of these are fun!!! What if I told you, that there are things that you can do to help decrease stress, that don’t include a medication or a trip to the doctor’s office! (**sometimes those things are necessary, so if that is what your body needs, that is what you should do)

Here they are…

1.Eat nutrient dense foods

When we are feeling stressed a lot of time foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients are what SOUND good, but they can make stress worse, and increase some of the symptoms that stress is causing. So instead grab for foods with:

  • Healthy fats like almonds, cashews, & seeds (make a yummy trail mix & add some dark chocolate chips)
  • Foods with magnesium like avocados, nuts, dark chocolate, bananas, leafy greens, & some fatty fish
  • Foods high in B vitamins like legumes, citrus foods, & avocados

2.Increase water intake

What people tend to grab when feeling stressed is alcohol and caffeine. These may sound like they would help but they do the opposite. Instead make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. Recommendations for how much water you should drink vary but are about 1/2 of your body weight in ounces. Example if you weigh 120 lbs, you should aim for 60 ounces.

3.Exercise and yoga

They both have the benefit of mind-body connection and can release powerful endorphins that help with relieving stress and improving our mood. Take a brisk walk, dance in your kitchen, ride your bike, do an exercise class, or find a yoga video on YouTube.

4.Spend time in nature

Go outside for a walk, even if it is just 10 minutes. Grab a friend and catch up while you walk for an added bonus. Watch the sunrise or sunset.

5.Take care of your needs

A lot of times our basic human needs get overlooked when we are in stressful situations. Make sleep a priority, take a lunch break (seriously), ask for help, listen to your body and what it needs, and talk to someone to help process the stressor.

6.Get a massage

Massages help promote relaxation and decrease stress. Studies have shown that just 10 minutes of massage has benefits!


It is common for us to hold our breath or breathe shallow when we are stressed. Take 4-5 deep breaths and see how different you feel!

8.Hot and Cold Water

Taking a hot bath (especially adding Epsom Salt) can be really helpful for reducing stress for some people. Or try a hot shower and turning the cold water on at the very end for 1 minute. It feels miserable during but can really help regulate our nervous system.


Writing with a pen and paper is another way to use the mind-body connection to reduce stress. It also helps give our thoughts a place to go. When you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or have a big decision to make, try journaling your thoughts to see what comes up.

10.Use Essential oils

Essential oils are a great complimentary therapy. My favorite combination right now to put in my diffuser is 2 drops of lemon and 2 drops of lavender. That combination together is like sunshine!

If you are new to essential oils, I really trust Holly at Science of Essentials. She has amazing resources and education on exactly how to use essential oil for your health and wellness. Find her at her website Science of Essentials she also has an Instagram account that is amazing!

Stress is unavoidable so it is really important to know healthy ways to process and deal with it. Things that will benefit our body, mind and spirit and not make it worse. I would love to hear if you learned something new today or are going to try one of my 10 healthy ways to deal with stress. Or maybe you found something else that works great for you! Email me back and let me know!

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***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!


****My posts are not to be taken as medical advice. Anything I talk about regarding fitness and nutrition, or any other lifestyle changes comes from my own personal experience or my individual client’s experiences, please consult with your personal medical provider or professional for your specific needs.

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