Thankful Thursday~ 5/24/18

On this Thankful Thursday lets talk about making life beautiful for others. It is so simple, really,  to do small things that have great meaning. When we perform acts of kindness for others, the impact we can have is amazing. Not only does it have an impact on the person receiving the act of kindness, but the person giving it too!!

15 Acts of Kindness:

  1. Write a letter to someone who has made a difference in your life. (They probably do not even know how important they are to you. 🙂
  2. Buy someone’s coffee in a drive through (Have you ever had this done. It is such a nice surprise!!)
  3. Give a stranger a compliment
  4. Donate old towels, blankets, sheets, or plastic bags to a pet shelter
  5. Every time  you buy a new outfit or piece of clothing, donate a gently used one
  6. Show compassion while you’re driving, let someone in the lane, give someone the benefit of the doubt and don’t honk at them!!
  7. Donate old eyeglasses- Mail them to
    1. Lions Clubs International Headquarters
      Attention: Receiving Department
      300 W. 22nd Street
      Oak Brook, IL 60523, USA
  8. Share a book with a friend
  9. Donate gently used books to the library
  10. Donate blood
  11. Let someone get in line in front of you
  12. Clean up your neighborhood- go on a walk around the block and bring a garbage bag (but don’t forget disposable gloves because safety is important:)
  13. Smile at someone & say hello!
  14. Bring treats to work to tell your coworkers THANK YOU!!
  15. Return someone’s cart at the store

Think of what a big impact we would have if everyone performed 1 act of kindness a day! I would love to hear something you did so I can keep adding to my list of ideas! “Do your little bit of good where you are, it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ~Desmond Tutu

Thanks for stopping by!

Faith ♥


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