Wellness Wednesday~ 10 simple ways to relieve stress

1. Use technology~

Sometimes technology can cause more stress, but it can also be a tool to help improve stress. Using a meditation app on a regular basis can help bring calmness to a stressful day. My 2 favorite are:


2. Journal~

Journaling has looked different for me depending on what is going on in my life. During times of stressful events I find it helpful to write multiple pages, other times I find it helpful just to do gratitude journaling.

I have this journal and it works great for a beginner or someone who doesn’t want to feel pressured to take up a whole page. Just enough room for 1 line a day!!

3. Get a massage~

When I am stressed out, it is evident in my shoulders. They are tight and uncomfortable. Getting a massage helps with that as well as reminding myself to be still and relax.

4. Taking a bath~

There is something about taking a bath with a glass of wine and a book that immediately makes me feel relaxed.

5. Coloring~

Yes, that’s right- grab a coloring book! There are so many options for us grown ups these days that want to color. There is something about an activity like coloring that helps calm and relax our brains!

This is on my to buy list!

6. Take a walk~

Head out the door and hit the trail! If you can make it a scenic one!

7. Write or read affirmations or quotes

Find quotes that pertain to whatever is going on in life. There are quotes about peace, joy, love, hard times. Say it out loud or write it down 10 times. Sometimes the power of words that just fit with how you are feeling are a great comfort.


This is a plain notebook that I got to write in my favorite quotes.

8. Light a candle or diffuse essential oil

Find a relaxing scent, lavender or vanilla are my favorites to use to help with relaxation

9. Read a Book

Especially when I just need a good distraction, grabbing a book is one of my favorite things to do!

10. Music

Making a playlist or having a channel on a streaming device is a great way to relax. My favorite if Jack Johnson radio on Amazon music.


Thanks for stopping by and reading my top 10 ways to relieve stress- what are yours? Wishing you a Happy Wellness Wednesday.

Stay well friends!


Faith ♥

***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!



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