How to plan weekly workouts

If you have been wanting to make working out a goal, the first step is learning how to plan weekly workouts. Have you heard the quote- “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It’s true. You can wish that you were doing something that you want to accomplish, but if you don’t have a plan, it’s most likely not going to happen. If you want to make your goals come true- sitting down and making a plan is the only way.

When it comes to working out, there are so many options. From working out at home, to going to a gym, taking a class, running, or bike riding. There are so many options  these days! All those options are great, but if you don’t have a plan for doing them, it’s not going to do much good. I know for me, working out helps me feel better- physically, mentally and emotionally and when I keep a promise to myself it also increases my feelings of self worth and self love.

There is so much tied into keeping your body fit and in shape. If you aren’t currently working out or doing something active, give it a try. There was a time in my life that I didn’t workout, and didn’t think that I could. See my post on how I learned to love working out and my fitness journey. 

How to plan weekly workouts:

  1. Sit down and make a plan: things to consider-

    • Do you like to workout in the morning, afternoon or evening?
    • How much time do you have or want to put towards working out
    • Even if you only have 10 minutes, that’s enough time to get in a workout
    • If you are a list writer or use a planner (you’re my kind of peeps), then I suggest to write it out. I created a printable that is for this very purpose! Feel free to use it and let me know how it works for you!
Workout planner

For access to all of my FREE printables- sign up for my newsletter! 

2. Start small

    • Going in with a dream of working out for 2 hours a day, cutting out all carbs, and expecting to lose 10 lbs in 1 week is going to leave you feeling frustrated and defeated
    • If you only can do 10 minutes- then that’s what you do. Meet yourself where you are currently. You can always add to it.
    • Find a program
      • There are so many options
        • Walk around the block
        • Bike ride
        • Use an app
        • YouTube has several free options
        • Pinterest
        • EMOM workout
        • Join a gym
    • Use SMART goals-
      • Specific
      • Measurable
      • Achievable
      • Realistic
      • Time based

3. Show yourself love and kindness

    •  Be proud of your achievements
    • If you miss a day or aren’t able to complete your goal- forgive yourself and do the next best thing
    • Reward yourself
      • give yourself a treat for your accomplishments
        • get a massage
        • manicure
        • coffee


How I can help!

With Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching:

  • Did you know that I have been a nurse for over 18 years, I am a board-certified wellness coach and a certified nutrition coach?
  • If you are ready to be happy with what you see in the mirror, to feel great about the number on the scale and to feel amazing in your jeans. then I can help you!
  • Schedule your complimentary consultation!!

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  • Join my monthly book club
  • When you sign up for the book club you will receive a list of each month’s book club pick for the year!
  • At the end of each month, you will get a book club kit for that month’s book with the book club question, recipes inspired by the book and a playlist inspired by the book.
  • If you like book discussions you can be involved with our Book Club Facebook group and/or a local in-person meeting!
  • Check out my Bookshop link with all of my past book club picks

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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