How to make a word for 2021

If you are thinking about being able to make goals this year that really come true, you will want to learn how to make a word for 2021. The beginning of the year is one of my favorite times, there is something so fresh and innocent about a new start. The possibilities are endless! In 2018 I had my first word of the year. 2017 was a hard year for me personally, and as it came to a close, I read a blog post about how having a word of the year helped provide focus and purpose. So, I decided to give it a go- and guess what, I loved it.  Since then, my words have been- 2018 was peace; 2019 was joy; 2020 was intention. Picking a word of the year comes by doing some evaluating about the past year and really thinking about what I want the next year to look and feel like.  My word that I picked for 2021 is Celebrate.

The definition of Celebrate is: to do something enjoyable in order to show that an occasion or event is special. 

So how does it work once you pick your word- What’s next?? Well, for me it means that I look at how I want to use that word in all aspects of my life. For 2021, I want to really celebrate the people, events and ordinary everyday things that happen. 2020 taught us that we have no idea what is going to happen but no matter how bad things are, there is always something to celebrate.

How will I use my word for 2021?

  1. Celebrate my people

    • my life is full of wonderful people and I want them to know it! I am going to celebrate everything that my husband, my kids, my family, my puppy, and friends bring to my life. This means being present when I am with them. Get the heck off my phone or any other type of distraction and just be present. Celebrating the people in my life means choosing them and letting them know how special they are to me.
  2. Celebrate events-

    • whether it is a birthday, holiday, the kids get a good grade, getting to go to coffee with friends, going on a date with my husband, having family over for dinner, or someone just has a good day! We get this one life to live, so I am not goint to let something pass by without noticing it, taking joy in it and celebrating!!
  3. Celebrate simplicity-

    • this means I am going to celebrate ways that I can make life more simple. I am not going to try to always be doing more and more. It’s okay to rest and have downtime, and I am going to celebrate that and not feel guilty about it. I am also going to celebrate looking for ways to make life more simple.
  4. Celebrate my hobbies

    • I am going to make time for things that I really enjoy doing. Reading, crafting and organizing projects are things that I love, but they tend to get put on the back burner of life. I don’t make the time for them that they deserve.

To really honor my word of the year I like to make a vision board and this year I have a new printable to help organize the yearly goals into one place. When you sign up for my newsletter, you get access to all of my FREE printables.

Do you have a word of the year or ever tried one? I would love to hear about how you make goals and plan for the new year! I hope that you have many things to celebrate in the year to come!

How I can help!

With Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching:

  • Did you know that I have been a nurse for over 15 years and am also a holistic wellness coach?
  • If you ready for a real change in your life that allows you to heal and find real wellness- physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then wellness coaching is for you!!
  • Schedule your complimentary consultation!!

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As a member you get:

1. A Meditation available every Wednesday. This helps support your mental and emotional wellness by aiding in your stress reduction.

2. A new healthy recipe and how-to video available each Sunday, so that you can go into your week prepared with healthy choices to help support your physical wellness.

3. A monthly wellness challenge that will change each month. The challenge will include a printable calendar with the challenge details as well as daily inspiration. The monthly challenge will rotate between things like movement, nutrition, and mindset. Helping you to create healthy routines and habits that support every aspect of your wellness!

4. Morning messages sent directly to you reminding you what the wellness challenge of the day is & inspiring you to complete it in practical ways.

5. Access to a member-only Facebook group that will allow you to connect with others who are also improving their wellness and enhance the feeling of community and accountability!

5. All videos and content, once released, you can watch whenever you want, as many times as you want.

And get ready for this…. you get everything I mentioned above included for only $29 a month!!! That is less than $1 a day!

FREE wellness worksheets:

  • Just for signing up for my newsletter, you automatically get emailed my printable guide to wellness as well as getting access to many other worksheets that you can print off and use right away!!

Join my monthly book club:

What it is:

  • Facebook group: Real Life Book Club
  • Each month we read a new book- varied genre of books
  • I’ll post 6 discussion questions in the Facebook group at the end of the month. This is your time to interact with other book lovers!
  • Optional book club guide monthly emailed to you
  • Check out my Bookshop link with all of my past book club picks

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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