Weekend work out + fitness goals

Do you need a fun workout for this weekend that requires NO equipment?? Well it’s your lucky day- because I have one for you!!!

If you are like me, you might need to have a workout you can do at home or while traveling. This is a GREAT workout to get your heart rate up and have you feeling fabulous (when it’s over)!!!

All of these movements are pretty basic and can easily be modified if you are not able to do it exactly the way it’s written. I would say try the movement first BEFORE you automatically scale it though. Our bodies can do more than we think they can a lot of times!!

If you need to modify:

  • Burpees- can be done by stepping back and stepping up
  • Pushups- try them on your knees, but always go the full way up and down
  • Sit ups- tuck your feet under a couch or change them to crunches
  • Squats- if you are unable to go all the way to depth, just do a quarter squat, or sit on a chair and using your legs stand up
  • Jumping jacks- move your feet a shorter distance or don’t use your arms if that’s too much

Fitness goals:

I started the year off with some pretty big fitness goals- see the original post here.  But what I failed to do was, really listen to my body. So I ended up with an injury, that still lingers. So LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!!

Weekly fitness goals~


I love my gym- Crossfit Lincoln, when you are there you are part of a larger community. I hope you have a gym you love! If you ever want to know more about Crossfit Lincoln- just ask. They offer a FREE class every Saturday morning at 9am!! Click here for more details. 

Thanks for stopping by! What are your fitness goals for this year? Remember- Just take one day at a time!

Faith ♥

****Any thing I talk about regarding fitness,   comes from my own personal experience, please consult with a doctor or professional before starting an exercise routine!

***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

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