3 Ways to Slow Down

Our world today feels like it’s moving at 200mph all the time. It is very easy to get caught up in that and to feel like it’s the only way to live. The problem is it is impossible to experience life fully this way. Think about the difference of riding in a car vs. walking. When you are riding in a car, you can’t fully see the birds, smell the blooming flowers, appreciate the beauty of the sky. It is the same way with our lives. We miss out on the details when we are always going fast. Obviously, we can’t walk everywhere, but we can train ourselves to find the balance and do things sometimes fast, sometimes slow and sometimes in between. Let’s look at 3 ways to slow down.

3 ways to slow down:

  1. Give yourself time each day to be slow.

    • Turn off your phone (or leave it in another room), be in nature, read a book, or whatever else feels “slow” to you. This can be done solo or as a family. It is a great example to set for your kids to practice slow.
  2. Cultivate creativity.

    • And don’t say you aren’t creative!!! Everyone has a creative side, but many times our busy lifestyles don’t allow for it. Once we aren’t in the practice of it, it can feel like it doesn’t exist. Here are some examples if you need somewhere to start – take an art class, grab a coloring book, dance, journal, rearrange a room, find something to DIY, daydream about something, etc.
  3. Single task.

    • Our society encourages multi-tasking, so this takes practice – but it’s worth it. Single tasking has been shown to lower stress and anxiety, to be more productive, and improve our joy. Remove distractions. Here are some examples to get started! If you are working on your computer, have only the window or windows that you need for that task open, put away your phone, set a timer, prioritize your to-do list to 3 things per day, take regular breaks.

Slowing down may seem hard at first. Start small. Just like anything, if you try to do too much it’s easy to get frustrated. Add in 1 thing a day, or every 2 days. As you allow for more slowness in your day you may start noticing things like~ decreased anxiety, sleeping better, more connection with people in your life, increased gratitude, more clarity, and better decision making.

What do you think about slowing down? Are there things you would add to this list? How do you find your creative side? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

****My posts are not to be taken as medical advice. Anything I talk about regarding fitness and nutrition, or any other lifestyle changes comes from my own personal experience or my individual client’s experiences, please consult with your personal medical provider or professional for your specific needs.

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