5 ways to start your day off right!

How a morning starts off really frames how the whole day is going to go. Obviously getting a good night’s sleep the night before is important to start with (Click here for my blog post all about getting a good nights sleep) Sometimes you can turn around a bad morning, but it’s much better to start the day in a calm and relaxed way! So today, I am sharing 5 ways to start the day off right! Whatever I am trying to accomplish, I know for sure that doing something with intention and authentically always makes a huge difference on if it is successful. So instead of this being a checklist of things to-do, I try to go about this as a way to meet the goal of having a relaxed and peaceful start to the day. It is helpful to take a few minutes to plan the night before. Make sure my alarm is set, the coffee is ready so all I have to do is press start, have my devotional on the kitchen island along with my planner. Another big piece to making my mornings go peacefully is that I do not look at social media while I am in bed and ideally not until all of these 5 things are done.

1. Rise & Shine

For a long time my alarm clock was under utilized. It has the capability to do a lot more then I ever gave it credit for! Using it as an alarm as well as a reminder works wonders!!

2. Devotional

This is my favorite devotional. Mark Nepo wrote this book soon after he survived cancer, it took him 2 years to write it and he did it with such authenticity that I feel like he is speaking directly to something that I need to hear that day! It takes but a couple of minutes to read the daily message, but it has lasting effects throughout the day. I think anyone that practices the reading of a devotional has to find the right one for them. This one might not fit everyone, but I really love it and look forward to reading the wisdom it brings each day!

3. Coffee & To-do list

My planner is my go to place to write down my to-do list. I have a Commit30 planner and it’s my favorite. Looking through it in the morning with a cup of coffee helps me prioritize the tasks I want to get done that day.

4. Stretches or Exercises

This can be as simple as using a foam roller or lacrosse ball on sore muscles or a full workout for the day.

5. Meditate

There are probably people reading this that are wonderful meditators and can sit by themselves and make some magic happen. I am not one of those people. This Calm app has many different features. It has a daily mediation that is about 10 minutes. My goal is to do this every day. It is a guided meditation and has a theme each day. The Calm app also has a sleep setting. You can pick out a bedtime story- it’s so relaxing, there is also a setting that just has music. Lots of options!

What is your morning routine? I would love to hear about it!

Faith ♥

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