Why I decided to try the 80 Day Obsession Workout Program

Working out has been a journey that has taken me down many different paths. Regardless of what type of working out I have done, I know that being active and working out is something that I really enjoy! After recovering from an injury and surgery from that injury earlier this year, I was so thankful to finally be able to work out again. The problem was, I was a little scared. Never do I want to go through another surgery like that! I knew I couldn’t go back to Crossfit, which was what I was doing before. Not that I couldn’t, but it just wasn’t worth the risk to me. So I started just programming my own workouts. That was great for a few months, but it started getting really old. Coming up with something every day just got a little monotonous and I really needed a change. What I also found myself doing was babying my left hamstring (what I had my surgery on). Basically I needed to change it up. So I started doing Beach Body On Demand & specifically the 80 Day Obsession Program (click here if you want to try it out!)

What is Beachbody on Demand?

My sister-in-law has been doing Beachbody workouts for a while and has really enjoyed them. I learned a little more about what she was doing and how she likes it and decided to give it a try!  So I purchased the Beachbody on Demand, it was about $100 for an entire year. I can access it with my Roku, on my phone & laptop. There are so many workout programs within Beachbody . Each program lists what fitness level is recommended, what equipment you may need, along with other details-  it makes it really easy to know what type of workout you will be getting. After looking through several different options, and also talking with my sister-in-law, I decided to try out 80 Day Obsession. The coach for this program,   Autumn,  designed 80 Day Obsession and is the instructor in each workout! It comes with the 80 days of work outs, tracking sheets that help track the weights you use, and a nutrition plan.  Also provided is a detailed guide on how to use this program. The program is divided into 3 phases- within the phases there are weekly workouts that follow 6 days of workouts and a rest day (includes stretching & rolling). She even has music playlists for each workout! She has literally thought of everything! This program (80 Day Obsession), uses weights, bands and sliders.

What do I like about Beachbody on Demand  and 80 Day Obsession?
  1. The Options– using Beachbody On Demand. You could pretty much do any kind of workout that you wanted- From yoga to kickboxing there is something for everyone!
  2. Planned out– The specific program that I am doing 80 Day Obsession is so detailed and planned, it makes it really easy to follow. I don’t even have to think about anything- it’s all set up!
  3. It’s customizable– the workout videos 7 people doing the workout in a class format. Each person does the version that works for them, so there are plenty of options for modifications if needed. When I need an extra rest day I just do! You don’t HAVE to complete the 80 Day Obsession in 80 days, it might take 84 days to complete them all- and that’s okay!
  4. The flexibility– My schedule does not allow me to workout at the same time every day, with this program I do it when it’s convenient for me!
  5. Convenience– I can work out from home. There is no drive or commute time! 
What does doing a program like this require?

Obviously before starting any type of workout program you should make sure you are healthy and it is safe for you to work out. 

Knowing your body- Each program has a different fitness level, 80 Day Obsession is intermediate to advanced, so if you are not quite there yet, there are some programs before that to help you get to that level. A Little Obsessed and A Little More Obsessed. These can help transition you to preparing to do that program.  

Discipline- working out at home requires discipline (but working so does working out at a gym).  Some people really need that accountability of going to a gym to work out. The thing that is nice about this program is, it is like being in a class with the video in a class format. Either way you need to have motivation and discipline. 

Patience- Working at someone else’s pace- requires some patience. What I have adjusted to,  is just go at my own pace if I need to. The video can be paused  if a little more time is needed to complete a movement (unlike in an actual class).

Do you want to follow along?

If you want to follow on my journey, every day on my Instagram stories I show a video of my workout. In my highlights under 80 Day Obsession find them all!!

It is something that I am enjoying so much, that I decided to become a coach myself! If you are interested in trying out Beachbody, please click here to come see my Beachbody coaching website! 

Each Friday I will do a review on my blog of what the week was like!

Fitness journeys are different for everyone and it can change depending on what is going on in your life. The important thing is finding what works for YOUR life! I would love to hear what you are doing on your fitness journey!

Thank you for stopping by~

Faith ♥

***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

****Any thing I talk about regarding fitness,   comes from my own personal experience, please consult with a doctor or professional before starting an exercise routine!

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