How to Create Structure in Your Life to Have More Freedom

Does creating structure sound like one of these to you?

  • Boring
  • Constricting
  • Too hard

What if we replaced that with…

  • Freeing
  • Exciting
  • Simple

By creating structure around goals, we give them priority and we create more time, money and mental space. So, if you have goals that you are not meeting, it’s time to take a look at the structure you have built around them. If you don’t have structure, then it’s time to create it. If you don’t want to have structure, then I would ask- How bad do you want what you say you want?

1. Clarify what you want

This step is crucial, without knowing specifically what you want you will 100% not get it! Here are some common things I hear from clients…

  • I want my life to be better.
  • I want to be healthier.
  • I want to feel better.

There is nothing wrong with wanting those things but without clarification, they aren’t going to happen. To be able to get what you want you need to be able to answer…

  • How will you know when you get there?

Let’s look at a couple examples.

  1. Example 1: I want to be healthier
    • How will I know when I get there?
    • Because I will lose 10 lbs.
  2. Example 2: I want my life to be calmer.
    • How will I know what I get there?
    • I will be able to sleep better and not feel as anxious.

2. What are the actions needed to get there?

Actions are the way to get what you want, so it is important to define what they are. By taking action, you create motivation and momentum, and in the doing, you create your own results. Even if you don’t feel motivated right now, it is still important to name what actions are needed to get what you want.

Let’s look back at our examples:

  1. Example 1: I want to be healthier
    • How will I know when I get there?
      • Because I will lose 10 lbs.
    • What are actions that I need to make this happen?
      • Have a meal plan to eat healthier.
      • Workout 5 times a week
  2. Example 2: I want my life to be calmer
    • How will I know when I get there?
      • I will sleep better and not feel as anxious
    • What are actions that I need to make this happen?
      • Meditate daily
      • Do yoga
      • Put my phone away an hour before bed

3. What are thoughts that hold me back from this action?

Our thoughts are powerful and by learning to be aware of and manage them we can change our results without our circumstances changing. Thoughts can feel like they are not in our control, but this is usually because they have become a habit. That is great news because habits can be changed! So the first step is being aware of what you are thinking.

Let’s look back at our example of wanting to lose 10 lbs. The actions that were named to do this are follow a meal plan and to workout 5 days a week. As we think about working out 5 days a week some thoughts that could come up are:

  • “I can’t because I don’t have time.”
  • “I am not in shape enough to do that.”
  • “I have never been able to stick to anything.”

Having awareness of this thought is the first step, next it is asking- does this thought helping me or holding me back? And if it is something that is holding you back, I would get really curious as to why you are allowing that to be your narrative.

Here are some different thoughts that can be more empowering…

  • “I feel better when I work out.”
  • I am capable of anything I put my mind to.
  • I will work out for 10 minutes.”
  • “I will take a walk around the block after dinner. “

This part can be challenging and working with a coach who can walk you through this is very powerful. Schedule here to schedule a complimentary session!!

4. Replace your old thoughts with your new thought

When you hear yourself repeating that old thought, let that be a cue to replace it with your new thought. The thought that will help you achieve your results. It can look a little something like this…

old thought…. I can’t work out because I don’t have time….it is true that I am busy, but I know that I feel better when I move my body and I am going to go on a walk every evening after dinner.

Those old thoughts/habits can be loud and not very nice, so be gentle with yourself. As you begin to follow through with your actions, you continue to prove your new thought right and motivate the action even further!

When you learn that you can use your thoughts to help you instead of hold you back, it will change your life. The good news is- this can be used with any situation.

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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