The 4 ways I am bring joy to my life

If you have been following along my blog , you know that I have a word of the year! (see my original post by clicking here). My word of the year is JOY and what I have found is… the more that I look for something, the more apparent it is in my life. Living a joyful life is a choice and it’s been a perfect choice for my life this year.

A joyful life is not a floodlight of joy. A joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, inspiration and faith ~ Brene Brown

My plan includes:

1. Recognize joy in my everyday life

2. Plan things that bring me joy

I always have multiple things in my calendar that I am looking forward to!  Also, my calendar is fun & I can add stickers and helps accentuate the events that I am looking forward to!!

3. Bring joy with me

By really trying keep a positive attitude I try to bring joy wherever I go. For me this means being kind, smiling at people, and being grateful. Am I perfect at this? No, but it is the way that I try to live my life every day!

Write down at least one thing per day that I am grateful for 🙂

4. Let joy shine in all of my relationships

My life is filled with wonderful people. I am so grateful for the people who make up my family & friends, I could literally cry tears of joy just thinking about them.

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Looking forward to my year of JOY! Thanks for stopping by…

Faith ♥

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