Goal plan recap- August 2020

Monthly goal plan

While I didn’t accomplish ALL of my August goals, (see my original post here) I did get most of them started and many of them done! My big takeaway from the last several monthly goal plan is going to sound really obvious, like- duh Faith, everyone knows that…  but only those things that I make a priority and give my attention to, are the things that get done. In light of that revelation-there are 2 ways that I am going to change up the way I actually work on the things on my list:

  • I’m going to swallow my frog.

Have you ever heard of this  quote by Mark Twain “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” In other words- just do it! What’s something that you want to do, but don’t ever get to it? Do that thing first, then it’s done and out of the way. For me, this has been meditating.

For many reasons I think it is really important and I keep putting it on my daily goals, but have consistently NOT done it- it’s my frog.  That is until this last week. So 4 days ago, I started meditating  the first thing in the morning. (thank you to my brilliant friend Cherisa for giving me this idea).  I get my coffee, sit on the couch and listen to the Calm app for 10 minutes. It’s been lovely and simple- what  was keeping me from this? So much of life is so simple, but for some reason we (me) really can complicate the heck out of it.  One of my focuses is finding ways to simplify all aspects of life, why make things harder then they need to be?

  • Use a timer

Set a timer for 30 minutes each day to work on projects on my goal list. I have noticed that the things on my indoor and outdoor projects list are not get done. But, when I think about it-  honesty  I am not setting any time for them to get done. They are not a focus, so then they are not a priority, therefore they do not get done.

1. Reading- Finish 3 books:

Goal plan for reading

  • Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo (I listened to this as an audio book on an app called Libby) FINISHED

2. Projects Goal plan:

Outdoor Projects:

  • Plant wildflowers – IN PROCESS
    • We finally got some plants that we purchased a while ago in the ground
    • Still need to plant some wild flower/pollinator seeds
  • Work on raised beds- IN PROCESS
    • To prepare for next year’s garden, we are planting some cover crops to help bring more nutrients to the soil!

Indoor Projects:

  • Update wall art- IN PROCESS
  • Make updates in kid’s rooms- IN PROCESS
    • With most of our kids living out of the house for college and because they are grown ups, I am making a few changes to make them also comfortable for guests
    • I’m adding things like travel size toiletries, some different art, extra blankets, etc

3. Personal Goal plan:

It makes such a difference when I am consistent with these personal goal plan! I’m happy to say that I have been staying on track! Personal goals like these are the kind that make you feel good- so it’s so important to keep consistent with them

  • Workout 5/week (want to give Beachbody a try- let me know! Email me or message me by leaving a comment or messaging me, also see this previous blogpost all about it!)
  • Goal plan tracking sheet
  • Journal and devotional daily
  • journaling goal plan
  • Walk 1-2 times per day
  • Walking goal plan
  • Meditate 10 minutes a day
    • This has been the one that I have struggled with the most. For whatever reason, I procrastinated and was not accomplishing it. I had to really ask myself a couple of questions -why is this goal important to me? Now I either need to make it a priority, or take it off my list (it’s either a priority or it isn’t and if it is a priority then I need to make the time for it.)

Here are some things I have listened to and watched this past week! What’s on your list?

  •  Shows
    • HGTV
  • Podcasts
    • Well Well Well podcast Brittany & Cassandra
    • The Naked Marriage Podcast
    • The Crystal Paine show

Links to my favorite goal planning tools:

Erin Condren Life Planner- click here for a $10 off coupon once you make an account

She has lots of different options of planners, it is an organizing lovers dream site!!

Each month has a goals page- which I LOVE- it’s a great place to prepare for the upcoming month!

Pilot Precise pens- link to similar ones

The Four Tendencies (click here for the link to purchase)– this book really helped me recognize the way that I am naturally motivated. Then it gave me practical ways to use it to my benefit. (It also helps on working with others in your life who have different tendencies)

Thanks for stopping by!

How I can help!

With Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching:

  • Did you know that I have been a nurse for over 18 years, I am a board-certified wellness coach and a certified nutrition coach?
  • If you are ready to be happy with what you see in the mirror, to feel great about the number on the scale and to feel amazing in your jeans. then I can help you!
  • Schedule your complimentary consultation!!

Join my monthly membership: Register here

As a member you get:

Daily wellness challenges that are practical and doable even with a busy schedule! These are emailed to you each morning.

Healthy recipes created for meal planning/prepping for your week.

A meditation that you can attend live on zoom each week, the recorded version will be sent to you as well!

And get ready for this…. you get everything I mentioned above included for only $29 a month!!! That is less than $1 a day!

My podcast!! Listen in your way:

Weekly Wellness Newsletter

  • Just for signing up for my newsletter, you automatically get access to your guide to starting on your wellness journey.
  • Receive an email every Wednesday with a different way to make wellness simple in your life.

My monthly book club:

What it is:

  • Join my monthly book club
  • When you sign up for the book club you will receive a list of each month’s book club pick for the year!
  • At the end of each month, you will get a book club kit for that month’s book with the book club question, recipes inspired by the book and a playlist inspired by the book.
  • If you like book discussions you can be involved with our Book Club Facebook group and/or a local in-person meeting!
  • Check out my Bookshop link with all of my past book club picks

Follow me on Social Media:

See what wellness looks like for me in my everyday life & you get more pictures of Lilo!!

Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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