Wellness Wednesday~ 5 things to do daily to encourage a peaceful day

Welcome friends- it’s my first Wellness Wednesday post.  What defines wellness varies from person to person. For me, Wellness is a balance between Body, Mind and Spirit. So my hope is, on Wednesdays to bring to my blog different ways that I am practicing Wellness in my life. Each Wednesday will look a little different , but hopefully it is always a day that will bring you some new ideas and allow sharing of some great ideas!  Recently, I posted on making a vision board and My Word of 2018. The best definition that I have found of PEACE= it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things & still be calm in your heart. So my question for myself~ was how do I bring peace into my life even when life doesn’t feel peaceful?

The answer to this question is going to be different for everyone and it might be a trial and error adventure to find out! Big goals and dreams are important to have, but what we do on a daily basis helps shape those goals and dreams.

My 5 things to do daily to encourage a peaceful day:

  1. Meditate~ Simply Being App
  2. Reading my devotional~ My favorite one that I have found is  The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo
  3. Exercise~ I love going to Crossfit, there are a millions of ways to exercise every day- Aaptiv is an app that helps you workout anywhere
  4. Read~  sometimes I use it to take me away & sometimes I use it to learn either way I am making it a priority every day
  5. Journal~ using a pen and paper to write down thoughts and feelings is therapeutic in many ways! If you need some prompts here is a great journal called Start Where You Are  or this one One Line A Day which gives you enough room to write a sentence- so no pressure!!


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear your ideas on Wellness or things that you do on a daily basis to bring you peace or whatever goal you are reaching for!

Faith ♥


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

2 thoughts on “Wellness Wednesday~ 5 things to do daily to encourage a peaceful day

  1. My peace creating activities are much the same as yours. I devote at least 30 mins in the morning to meditate, make a short gratitude list, read, and set my intention/focus for the day. Then before I go to sleep I reflect on the day and find at least three things from the day’s activities I feel grateful for and set my goals for the next day. Putting in this time to set my focus on my priorities has really helped me not get distracted by outside stressors that really shouldn’t matter as much as we allow them to sometimes (don’t sweat the small stuff) and to be more much more productive. Cheers to Wednesday Wellness!

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