My Top 5 Fitness Tips + My Week of Workouts

When you hear the word fitness, what are the first things that come to mind. Is it positive or negative? Unfortunately, for a lot of people it’s negative. But guess what- you can change that starting TODAY!!! Fitness is not a destination or a final goal to be achieved, it’s an ongoing journey. It’s always going to be changing, growing, and have as many different phases as your life does! The cool thing about it, is there are so many options and it is so flexible, you can make it work in whatever stage of life you are in! If you are looking for somewhere to start here are my top 5 fitness tips!

My top 5 fitness tips:

  1. Know why you want to workout

    • This is really important in anything you do in life. If you are unsure, take some time and sit down and give it some thought.
      • What does fitness mean to you? If it has a negative connotation to you, rewrite that story.
        • Fitness means that I (fill in the blank)
      • Why is it important?
        • Fitness is important to me because (fill in the blank)
      • What do you want to accomplish- what’s your goal?
        • My fitness goal is to be able to (fill in the blank)
      • How many times do you want to workout or move your body in a week? Set an amount of days each week and an amount of time.
        • I want to workout (fill in the blank) many days each week for (fill in the blank) minutes.
  2. Do something you LOVE!!

    • This might seem really simple and basic, but I think this is greatly overlooked. If you are forcing yourself to do something, you are not going to keep it up.
    • There are a million ways to bring fitness into your life. Find what you love and I promise, it is going to be so much easier to make part of your routine.
    • Some examples to consider:
      • Walking, Running, Yoga, Biking, HIIT classes, bootcamp, Crossfit, Pilates, Weight lifting, Body weight movements, AMRAPs, EMOMs, Kickboxing, Hiking, Cardio, Workouts on Youtube, Subscription workout programs, Gym memberships, & workout apps.
  3. Anticipate that you aren’t always going to feel like working out.

    • It’s normal to not always have motivation.
    • Maybe this means you need to take a rest day, or it might mean that you need to do something different then you had planned that day- instead of an intense workout, take a long walk, or do some yoga, or it might mean you workout even though you don’t feel like it.
    • Just knowing that sometimes you aren’t going to feel up to it, is reality. You get to decide what it means for you. If you have a delusion that every morning you are going to be 100% happy about working out, when you wake up some morning and don’t want to, it’s going to throw you off. But if you know that it’s part of it and then you can say to yourself-“Hey beautiful, I know you don’t feel like working out this morning, but you are going to be so glad you did.”
  4. Make a plan.

    • Schedule in your workouts. If you do not do this, it’s almost impossible to be successful. It doesn’t have to be some elaborate plan, but knowing when you are going to workout is a really important part of making it happen. Otherwise something else will fill in that spot.
    • Since you already set your goals up in step one, you just need to fill in when this is going to happen.
    • Put out your workout clothes the night before or get them ready for the whole week if you need to.
  5. It’s okay to start small

    • Making big plans can feel really exciting, but if you aren’t able to keep them up, it can end up being really discouraging and could lead to quitting all together. Big Bummer!!!
    • Start with where you are and give yourself grace! If you don’t have a fitness plan right now, start with something simple, like walking around the block once a day and then build up from there!
    • I remember when I couldn’t run a lap around the track at the gym. It really frustrated me, and that frustration became motivation. Pretty soon I was running a lap and then walking a lap, then running 2 laps and then walking a lap. Guess what? I went on to run 3 half marathons- running the entire way! It was something I couldn’t even imagine before, but I worked up to it by starting small.

My week of workouts 5/22/21:


5 rounds-

5 tuck jumps

10 burpees

20 squat jumps

40 jumping jacks


3 mile walk


21 min EMOM


1 x Max effort K2E (Knees to Elbows)

5 minute EMOM (Every minute on the minute) of 40% of your Max effort K2E

20 minute EMOM

1 minute bike

1 minute row

1 minute  of 10 box step ups

1 minute of 10 Shoulder to overhead (push press is what we did) *I used 55 lbs


8 min EMOM:
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 push jerk
For time:
Front squats
50 single-unders


Active rest day

Long walk and made sure I got in 10,000 steps

Foam roller and yoga stretches


20 minute AMRAP Partner workout

1 mile bike

60 wallballs

40 leg raises

I hope you enjoyed my top 5 fitness tips! Do you have anything to add? I would love to hear yours as well- Comment on this blog post or email me at!

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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