I’m going to make everything around me beautiful~ that will be my life. -Elsie de Wolfe
So it’s been awhile since I have blogged. Life just gets busy sometimes & what I have learned is you can only do what you can do. So I had to take some time off from blogging. A few things that have kept me occupied… My kids and I spent a week serving at Pineridge Reservation. It was beautiful, eyeopening and gut-wrenching all in one. I will be dedicating an entire blog to share our experience there. The above sunrise picture was taken there. My kids started new chapters in their lives I know have a Junior in high school and a college Freshman- yikes!! I got a puppy!! Which is pretty much like having a newborn baby. It’s a mixture of fun and exhausting all in one!! My position at work has changed and increased in hours- I absolutely LOVE it, but time consuming 🙂 Trying to keep up with my workouts!! I was in a super fun Crossfit competition recently. Also I’m trying to enjoy life as much as possible! My life has so much beauty in it. The people that I am surrounded by really make my life so lovely.
My meal planning has been not so great recently. Sitting down and blogging about it really helps me stay motivated. My schedule has changed a bit and I am working a lot of evenings. This makes meal planning a little different. It does require more planning, or else I end up eating cereal for dinner. My meal planning this week will only be 4 days. I have something really fun happening this weekend that I will share with you next week 🙂
Hamburgers and Brussel Sprouts
Add to the crockpot in the morning
Add olive oil & balsamic vinegar
Add veggies- baby carrots & onions
Cook all day on low
Cool Ranch Tacos (I make a few edits to her recipe)
These are super, super easy & here is what you need~
Chicken Thighs
3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons of Red Wine Vinegar
1 Taco seasoning packet (or click here for a homemade version)
1 Ranch seasoning packet (or use a homemade version-1T dried parsley, 1tsp garlic powder, 1tsp onion powder, 1tsp dried onion flakes, 3/4tsp dill, 1/2tsp pepper, and 1/2 tsp salt)
*Throw everything in the crockpot, Cook on low all day, at least 8 hours
Holy Cow- it doesn’t get much easier than that!!
Cool Ranch Chicken rice bowls
Add Rice to a bowl
Here is my favorite~
Add Chicken, Cheese, Lettuce, a little ranch~ you can add whatever sounds good!!
Shop my favorite kitchen helpers!!
Thanks for stopping by! Remember to stop by Organizing Junkie for even more recipe ideas!!
Faith ♥
***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!