How to Set a Daily Intention: In 6 Steps

Living with intention means that you are aware of what you want from life and are actively creating direction on how to live it. This may sound great, but you may be asking- how do I make that happen? I am so glad you asked! I am going to show you how to set a daily intention in 6 easy steps.

  1. Awareness
    • Awareness is the first step to anything we are trying to do. There is power in awareness. This is where we allow ourselves to pay attention to what is going on in our thoughts. What is it that we want?
    • If you are not aware of what you want, give yourself some space with your phone off and all distractions put away. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and start allowing yourself to imagine what you want, what brings you joy. This is where your intention lies.
  2. Write your intention down
    • Journal your intention
    • Write it on a sticky note
    • Make a diagram of it
  3. Visualize your intention coming to life
    • Our minds are powerful and they also do not know the difference between something actually happening and imagining something happening. The same things happen in our mind for both.
    • You can listen to music, go on a walk or sit quietly with the lights dimmed. Whatever feels right for you.
  4. Make a plan
    • You know what you want, you written it down and have visualized it, now what?
    • What are actions that will support your intention?
    • Write them down, then put them to work!
  5. Inspired action
    • Just checking things off a to do list isn’t the best way to live an intentional life
    • Taking inspired action is what will connect you to your intention
  6. Check in with yourself
    • Evaluate how your intention is going
    • Be super honest with yourself and then:
    • Make any adjustments that you need to
    • Celebrate what is going well!

Here are some examples of daily intentions:

  • Today, I intend to connect to the present moment.
  • Today, I intend to do something fun.
  • Today, I intend to speak kindly to myself.
  • Today, I intend to feel calm and focused.
  • Today, I will nourish myself with healthy choices.
  • Today, I intend to live with gratitude.
  • Today, I will show up as myself fully and authentically.

Setting an intention is another tool to your wellness. If it is something that you are interested in trying, but want some guidance around, schedule a complimentary session with me and I can tell you how to start!

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Be well,


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D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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