How To Be Vulnerable

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word vulnerability? If it feels uncomfortable, weak, or raw, I challenge you to dig a little deeper. Vulnerability is the only way to have true connection, being vulnerable equals being courageous and strong. It takes bravery to be able to put yourself out there, your true self. Be honest about what you are feeling and not the surface feelings, but the ones that go deeper.  I recently watched a Ted Talk by Brene Brown called The Power of Vulnerability, it is a great step in learning how to be vulnerable. If you haven’t seen it- you gotta watch it!!

Here are some of my biggest takeaways on how to be vulnerable:

Quotes from Brene

“In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen.”

“The people who have a strong sense of love and belonging, believe they are worthy of love and belonging.”

Things we do to avoid being vulnerable:

  1. Numb- scrolling through social media mindlessly, helping everyone else & not focusing on our own needs, drinking, over spending, etc.
  2. Perfectionism- making everything appear perfect, people pleasing.
  3. Denial- Pretending what we are doing doesn’t have an impact on others.

How to be vulnerable (where to start): 

  • Telling someone that you love them
  • Apologizing
  • Sharing a personal struggle
  • Asking for help
  • Setting a boundary
  • Protecting your peace- even if that means saying no
  • Asking for what you need
  • Going for your dreams

What is one thing you can do to be vulnerable today?

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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