How a Simple Evening Routine Can Reduce Anxiety

Do your evenings feel like a chaotic rush to wrap up the day’s to-do list? If you are wanting to bring more calm to your evenings and support the stage for better sleep, reduced stress and overall improved health and wellness Let’s explore how creating a mindful evening routine is a powerful tool for your holistic well-being. So much about many of our habits fight against our bodies natural ways that it heals and restores. 

How can an evening routine help?

An evening routine isn’t just about “winding down”; it’s an opportunity to be intentional about how you close out your day and supporting our bodies natural ways of restoration. By creating space to reflect, rest, and prepare, you signal to your mind and body that it’s time to slow down. Here’s how this mindful practice supports your holistic health:

When you prioritize mindful habits, you create a ripple effect that improves your physical, emotional, and mental health.

  1. Improved Sleep Quality: A consistent, calm routine helps regulate your circadian rhythm, allowing for deeper, more restorative sleep.
  2. Stress Relief: Mindful activities like journaling or gentle stretching reduce stress hormones, leaving you feeling more at peace.
  3. Mental Clarity: Evening mindfulness allows you to process your thoughts and leave today’s stress behind.
  4. Physical Recovery: Activities like gentle yoga and stretching  can promote relaxation and support the body’s natural healing process.
  5. Connection to Self: Taking time to check in with yourself can create a deeper understanding of your needs and priorities.

Steps to Create Your Mindful Evening Routine

Creating a mindful evening routine doesn’t need to be complicated, in fact the simpler the better.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you design a routine that works for you:

1. Set a Consistent Time

Aim to start your evening practice at the same time each night. This consistency helps train your brain to prepare for rest. Our bodies and circadian rhythms love routine.

Tip: Begin your evening routine 30-60 minutes before bed to allow your body and mind to settle.

2. Create a Calm Environment

Your surroundings impact how you feel. Make your space feel relaxing and calm:

  • Dim the lights or use soft lighting.
  • Diffuse calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile.
  • Play soothing music or nature sounds.

Tip: Keep your bedroom free from distractions like work items, clutter, or bright screens.

3. Practice Digital Detox

The blue light from screens can interfere with melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep. Commit to disconnecting from your devices during your evening routine. To learn more about how blue light can affect your health see this article. 

Action Step: Replace screen time with a mindful activity like reading a book, writing in a journal, or meditating.

4. Incorporate Gentle Movement

Gentle, restorative movement can ease physical tension and help you relax. Consider:

  • Gentle yoga poses (like child’s pose or legs up the wall).
  • Stretching to release tight muscles.
  • Deep breathing exercises.

Tip: Focus on slow, mindful movements and your breath to calm your nervous system.

5. Engage in a Mindful Activity

Choose activities that bring you a sense of peace and presence, such as:

  • Journaling: Reflect on your day, note your wins, and set positive intentions for tomorrow.
  • Meditation: Try a short guided meditation to center your mind.
  • Gratitude Practice: Write down 3 things you’re grateful for to cultivate positivity.

Action Step: Start small, even 5-10 minutes can make a difference.

6. Prioritize Self-Care

An evening routine is the perfect time to  show your body some love:

  • Follow a calming skincare routine.
  • Take a warm bath with Epsom salts.
  • Drink a warm, non-caffeinated herbal tea like chamomile or peppermint.

Tip: Focus on how these activities make you feel, rather than rushing through them.

7. Close out the day

When we don’t feel like the day is done, it is hard to get restful sleep. 

  • Check in with yourself or your partner.
  • Make a short to-do list for tomorrow so your mind can rest.

Action Step: Try this simple check in (either with yourself or your partner) 

  • What went well today?
  • What felt challenging about today?
  • What would make tomorrow easier?

8. Prepare for Tomorrow

Taking small steps to prepare for the next day can reduce morning stress and help you feel organized:

  • Lay out your clothes.
  • Prepare a healthy breakfast, lunch or snack
  • Decide what you are going to eat for dinner.

Action Step: Take a moment to do a quick prep for the morning, ask yourself- what is something simple I can do to help the morning go smoother?

Sample Mindful Evening Routine

Here’s an example of a 30-minute mindful evening routine:

  • 8:30 PM: Dim the lights, turn off screens, and turn on a relaxing play lists. 
  • 8:35 PM: Do 5-10 minutes of gentle yoga or stretching.
  • 8:45 PM: Write in a gratitude journal or set positive intentions.
  • 8:55 PM: Follow your skincare routine and sip a warm cup of tea.
  • 9:00 PM: Practice 5 minutes of meditation or deep breathing before heading to bed.


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D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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