What if instead of thinking of all of the things we “shouldn’t” be doing, we started asking ourselves how we can nourish our bodies? “You only get this one body during your stay on Earth. You should learn how to nourish it so it can enjoy it’s stay as long as possible.” ~living on roots. Nourishing our bodies means looking at how we can give our bodies what they need from a place of love. Taking a look at everything that we are consuming- food, drinks, TV, social media, Netflix, music, podcasts, and the people that we surround ourselves with. All of these things impact our wellness. Here are 7 ways to start nourishing your body.
7 ways to start nourishing your body:
- Increase your water intake. Aim for 60-100 ounces of water daily- depending on your weight and activity level.
- Eat foods as close to their original form as possible- whole foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, etc
- Don’t make anything “off limits”, it’s okay to have a treat, just do so in moderation.
- Pay attention to how you feel after watching a show, movie, social media, and even after being around people in your life
- Do you feel energized, joyful, calm (or whatever you want to be feeling), or do you feel anxious and worried?
- Make sleep a priority
- set a bedtime routine
- turn off screens at least an hour before bed
- keep your room cool
- diffuse essential oils that support sleep
- Move your body
- you do not have to go to the gym to do this!
- find what your body loves- dancing, riding your bike, roller blading, there are so many options!
- set a timer for every hour, stand up and walk around or stretch
- take a walk after dinner
- do something active as a family or with a friend
- instead of meeting for coffee, grab a coffee and go for a walk
- play tag with your kids, or ride bikes as a family
- Have a mindfulness practice
- have a daily practice to relieve stress
- meditate
- be in nature
- color
- take a walk
- use a mantra: “I am here now” if you find your mind wandering to the past or present
- be fully in the moment
- turn your phone off or put it away when you are spending time with others
- single task
- take some deep breaths- in through your nose and out through your mouth
- have a daily practice to relieve stress
Here is how this has shown up in my own life. I was having a lot of anxiety and worrying thoughts. So, I started paying attention to what I was doing. I noticed that when I watched a show that had violence in it, my worrying thoughts got much worse. As I became aware of this, I am mindful about what I am watching. The first part of nourishing yourself is being aware and paying attention to the energy that the other things in your life are bringing to you.
Here are some other ways this can show up and what you can do…
- After spending time with a friend, you feel drained and exhausted.
- Set boundaries with your friend.
- Are they complaining the whole time you are together?
- try acknowledging what they are complaining about (“that must be difficult”)
- redirect (“now I would love to hear about your trip to the beach”)
- avoid potentially negative topics
- Getting on social media leaves you feeling bad about yourself.
- Unfollow accounts that don’t encourage and support what you are doing
- Set up scheduled social media time, set a timer and stick with it
- Feeling hungry, tired and cranky.
- Drink a set amount of water every day, get a fun water bottle and keep it with you.
- Eat whole foods that will keep you full longer
- Take some time on a day off to prep some meals and snacks made from real food.
- Being sedentary all day leaves joints being sore.
- Set a timer every hour to get up and stretch, walk around, or do something like squats or lunges
Looking for other ways to be kind to yourself? Check out some of my other blog posts
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Be well,
***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!
D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.