My new blog

Hello friends! I have been blogging for a few years pretty casually and now I really want to do it more consistently. So I decided to move to a different platform- wordpress because I have heard about how great it is for blogging. So here I go, my first blog from my new and improved platform. So far, I feel like I am learning a new language, but I will get the hang of it!! I chose my new blog name of Living a Real Life, Real Home because in encompasses what I want to blog about. It seems that the things I enjoy are- sometimes meal planning, other times it is DIY, maybe a little organization here and there. Do people want to read about this? I guess we will find out! But I enjoy blogging about it & if I help someone or give them a new idea in the process- that’s super exciting!

What I do is definitely not perfect and I feel like I am constantly trying to just figure out how best to run my household- you know, the day to day stuff. Managing 2 teenagers and their ever growing schedule, as well as work and a husband who likes to take me on lots of adventures in life! I am trying to get better at stepping out of my comfort zone and try new things. Like the other day, I realized I have never mowed a lawn in my life. My husband likes to mow and it just hasn’t ever came up but it kind of bothers me that I have never done it. So I did it… I mean partially- & I know how to just in case I ever need to!

So if you check out my blog- you will probably notice me changing things here and there for awhile as I figure this new system all out. Hopefully it is a fun place to learn and share about REAL LIFE and running a REAL HOME!  Please let me know what you think!


Thanks for stopping by!


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