How You Can Create Your Own Reality

We have this one wild and precious life to live and it is our responsibility how we live it. Sometimes life seems out of our control, and honestly it is. Things like what other people chose to do, or how others react to things, the weather, most things that happen.. All out of our control. I would like to show you how even with all of that, you can create your own reality. So, what am I talking about exactly? Let’s find out…

How you can create your own reality:

1. Gratitude:

It starts with gratitude. Have you heard that saying- what you appreciate, appreciates. Taking time to have gratitude for what we already have does a couple things:

  • Awareness
    • Making us aware of what we are grateful for puts gratitude in the front of our conscious mind. Just like when you are pregnant, you notice all of the other pregnant people, or you get a new red car, and now you notice all of the red cars. The same is true for gratitude.
  • Energy
    • When you are regularly naming what you are thankful for, the energy that you send out into the world is that you appreciate good things that come your way. You start to attract good things by just appreciating what you have.

2. Let go of victim mindset

If you tend to feel resentful, take things personally, blame others, find it hard to make changes, catastrophize, or lean towards the belief that you are probably going to fail-  then you are most likely in victim mindset. Victim mindset usually starts as a form of protection, and in reaction to a trauma or betrayal.  But, you cannot grow here. The good news is that you can change this!

Here are some steps to take right now!!!

  • Ask yourself- why is this happening for me instead of to me?
  • Set boundaries- read “Set Boundaries, Find Peace” by Nedra Tawwab Glover if you need someplace to start
  • Take responsibilities over your actions
  • Surround yourself with people who are doing the things that you want to do

Read “How to let go of victim mindset” for the full post.

Our thoughts control our results

Circumstance happens (these are neutral, so no descriptive words only facts) and then…

  • We have a thought about that. Our thought are in our control, even when they don’t feel like they are.
  • That thought creates a feeling
  • Our feeling controls our action or inaction
  • That action or inaction creates our result
  • It all starts with our thoughts.
Here is an example

Circumstance:  Losing 10 lbs

Thought: I can’t lose weight, nothing works for me

Feeling: defeated

Action: I am not going to even try

Result: Does not lose desired weight

Thought rework…

  • What is the result that you want?
    • Lose 10 lbs
  • What actions need to happen to lose 10 lbs?
    • Meal plan/prep
    • Workout 3 times a week
  • What do you need to feel in order to lose weight?
    • Motivated
  • What is the thought that you need in order to feel motivated?
    • I am able to make changes and learn new ways of doing things

New thought!

Circumstance: losing 10 lbs

Thought: I am able to make changes and learn new ways of doing things

Feeling: Motivated

Action: make the time to meal prep healthy meals, schedule and go to workouts 3 times a week

Result: lose 10 lbs

When you hear that old thought come back in, just gently remind it that you used to believe that but now you know…. enter new thought.

3. Manifest

Manifesting is intentionally creating what you want. It’s not about waving a magic wand, but being able to clarify what you want and then with thoughts and actions, doing it! Manifesting allows you to be open to possibilities and opportunities and taking action on them.

Read “How to Manifest your vision to get what you want” for all of the details!

4. Be who you want to be.

Focus on changing your identity vs changing your behavior. When we change our identity, the behavior follows.

Here is an example…

Let’s say you want to quit smoking.

Listen to the difference in behavior vs identity.

Most people say “I am trying to quit smoking” (behavior) vs saying “I do not smoke”. When you say that you are not a smoker the behavior is already known. Someone who is not a smoker, does not smoke, so there is no decision to be made.

You can do this with anything you want to do. If your goal is to start exercising, then you change your identity into someone who exercises. Once that happens you don’t have to decide if you are going to exercise or not, of course you are because that is who you are.

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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