How to Start Eating Healthy

How to Start Eating Healthy

Have you tried over and over again to eat healthier & it just hasn’t happened yet?

Let’s take a little deeper look at this-

It starts with our thoughts…

When you want to make a change in the way you eat or workout, coming from a place of hate, dislike or disgust for your body or self does not work for the long term. I was first introduced the thought model by Brooke Castillo and Byron Katie, and it blew my mind!!

If your thoughts are:

  • I hate the way I look; I need to lose weight.
  • My thighs look so disgusting, I am never eating desert again.
  • I wish I could look like (fill in the blank).

These are not thoughts that will get you to a healthy and whole place.

Imagine yourself saying any of those above thoughts to your friend, daughter or mother. We would not say these things to another person, but the thoughts feel automatic when it’s about us.

What is thought work?

Thought work is a way to change our result without changing our circumstance. It is simply taking a circumstance in our life (the circumstance is neutral- so no descriptive words) and learning how our thoughts control our feelings, our feelings control our actions (or inaction) and then that controls our results.

Let’s try it out with this example…

  • Circumstance: Eating
  • Thought: I will never be able to eat healthy, I am horrible at this!!
  • Feeling: Shame
  • Action: Eat comfort food
  • Result: Continue unhealthy eating patterns

Thought rework-

Circumstance: Eating

Questions to Ask Yourself-

  • What do I want my result to be? Eat healthy
  • What action do I need to do to eat healthy? Meal plan, prep, buy healthy food
  • What feeling do I need to do this? Determination
  • What thought do I need to feel this? I feel good when I eat healthy food & I deserve to feel good

So, the new thought work is:

  • Circumstance: Eating
  • Thought: I feel good when I eat healthy food & I deserve to feel good
  • Feeling: Determined
  • Action: Buy healthy food, meal plan/prep for the week
  • Result: Eating healthy, my pants fit better, I am happy when I look in the mirror

Book a session with me and find out how these things are possible:

1. You won’t hide when people take your picture, and your kids will have more pictures with their mom.
2. The sweet feeling when someone you know casually says, “have you lost weight?”
3. Buy an extra outfit for yourself with the money saved from meal prepping while you rock out to some good music.
4. Be excited to step on your scale, because you are happy to see what’s on it.


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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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