How to Create an Organized Home and Bring More Calmness to Your Life

Have you ever walked into your home after work or after taking the kids to school and immediately felt stressed because you can’t find something or the piles of paperwork everywhere just make you want to scream??? Yes, me too!  If you are trying to figure out how to create an organized home and bring more calmness to your life- you are in the right place!

When my space is organized, my mind is more calm. Even though this is true, it is so easy for our homes to fill up with clutter. I want to show you how to create an organized home and bring more calmness to your life.

How to create an organized home and bring more calmness to your life- in 5 steps:

1. Find a system for incoming papers

    • Organizing paperwork
    • Papers coming into the house can be overwhelming- mail, kids school work, bills, flyers, etc. Having a system for what happens as soon as paper comes in the door can help ease piles from piling up or paperwork getting lost.
    • See my complete post on How to organize paperwork in 5 easy steps

2. Make a plan to organize each room

    • To say “I am going to organize the whole house!” can feel overwhelming
    • Break it down to a room a month or other “bite size” amounts
      • Currently I am organizing a closet or area a week
    • Don’t forget to take everything out of a space when you are organizing or decluttering (for example, if you are organizing closets- take all of your clothes out- ALL of them)
    • Make a pile for items to
      • donate
      • keep (these should be ONLY the items that you love and use)
      • toss

3. Give everything a “home”

    • Once you have only the items that you love and use- give it a home
    • Use a label maker so everyone knows it’s spot

4. Make it a habit

    • Habits take a while to form, so give yourself some grace
    • Build in some time each week to go around and put things back where they go

Getting rid of clutter

5. Have a donation basket or box

    • Keep this in a closet or other known spot, so that as you come across items that you don’t need or want anymore, there is a plan
    • Finding a place to donate items can be rewarding!
    • Some of my favorite places to donate
      • Local Shelter (clothing, home decor and home goods)
      • Humane Society (pet toys, pet clothes, plastic bags)
      • Orphan Grain Train (clothing, medical supplies or equipment, bicycles, sporting items)
      • Local library- book (our local library takes up to 2 small boxes of books every Saturday)

Organizing is one of my favorite things to do! I love it but am far from perfect and am always looking on how to improve! I would love to hear from you to answer these 2 questions~

What are your top organizing struggles?

What is your top organizing tips?

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D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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