Journaling in the morning sets up your day to be more focused and calmer. It doesn’t have to be this grand 30 minute, pour your heart out project to be meaningful. Journaling for as little as 5 minutes can have a huge impact on your day. Let’s explore why journaling in the morning is good for you, what journal prompts can help, and how to make it practical!!
Why is journaling in the morning good for you?
A morning practice is so important for everyone, and you don’t need an hour to do it!
But why is it important?
If you are tired of feeling drained and exhausted, it is time to look at what in your day you are doing for YOU. When you dedicate and commit to time to journal each morning- you are telling yourself that you are worth making time for. and when you take that time to “fill your cup”, allows you to “fill other people’s cup.”
Allowing space for you to write down your thoughts when you journal, helps them to flow and not get stuck ruminating or staying in a place of anxiety or worry. It helps us process what we are going through, the thoughts that we are having and it gives them somewhere to go besides stuck in our heads!
Morning Journal prompts
A blank piece of paper can feel overwhelming to just start writing on. Journal prompts can help give you focus on what to write so it doesn’t feel intimidating. Here are some to get you started:
- How do I want to feel today?
- and what actions do I need to take to feel that way?
- What am I excited for today? This week?
- Is there something on my calendar that I am looking forward to? If not it’s time to add something!
- How can I make time for myself today?
- What would make my day to day easier?
- How am I honoring my body today?
- What is something that I would do if I had no barriers?
- What small steps can I do to move toward it?
- How can I show myself love today?
- How can I show others love today?
- What are 3 specific things that I am grateful for?
- What do I want to accomplish this week? this month? this quarter? this year?
- how do I get there
- Make a diagram of something you are creating for yourself- this can help you define what you want and then build actual steps to get there
- Brain dump journal
- to do when you have overwhelming thoughts, a big decision to make, a life change, or trouble sleeping because of worrying.
How to make it practical
Now that you know how amazing journaling in the morning is for you, let’s talk about how to make it practical in your life.
Think about what you make time for in your day? Go ahead and list them out…
Here are some common ones….
Meetings, kids activities, lunches with colleague, Doctor’s appointments, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, etc
There are 2 categories of things that we make time for
- Things that are specific and prioritized- they have a specific what + when + where AND it is in your calendar
Example.. If your child needs picked up from soccer practice you know what, when and where and you have it in your calendar - An established routine
First let’s make it specific and a priority
To do this write out something like this…
“I will journal for 10 minutes every morning while I drink my coffee in the chair by the window”
Next make what you want to do easy
- set a reoccurring alarm in your phone as a reminder
- get your supplies (journal and pens) ready and keep them in the location you will use them (by your chair by the window)
- write a sticky note and put it on your coffee maker (or wherever makes sense) as a reminder
In our world of quick fixes and wanting things to happen NOW!!! I encourage you to allow patience, most changes that we make that are lasting, take time. They don’t happen overnight.
I would love to hear what you think about journaling in the morning!
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Be well,
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D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.