July Goals:
Finish 3 Books:
I did not reach this goal this month, it was a busy month and not a lot of free time. The first book I was reading (see notes below), just took a lot of time, so that made it harder to get to the next one. I learned this month that I LOVE the Libby app for listening to audio books.
The Book of Joyby the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu (click here to purchase on Amazon)- I marked that I finished this book, but the last several chapters, I skimmed through. It had wonderful and enlightening information, but I felt like it went on too long and I kind of got bored with it. (I feel guilty just saying that, but that is the truth!)
- This is How it Always is by Laurie Frankel (click here to purchase on Amazon)– did not get started, on my list for August!
- This one I did not even get started, I just ran out of time this month, but I look forward to reading it in August
Love Doesby Bob Goff (audio book)- click here to purchase on Amazon- I LOVED this book
- I listened to it as an audio book through and app called Libby
- It’s a free app that allows you to check out books from your library- click here to see it
- The app worked great- I am excited to use it each month!
Outdoor Projects:
Power wash the houseFINISHEDGarden & Chicken Coop maintenanceFINISHED- watering once a day
- full clean out monthly
- weekly spot clean up
Indoor Projects: DID NOT FINISH (adding to August)
- Redo picture wall
- Update Tay’s room
- Journal & devotional daily- MOSTLY FINISHED
- While I would love to say I did this every day, it did happen most days.
- I finished a whole journal & ordered a new one! Click here to purchase on Amazon
- For some great ideas on journaling check out the following by clicking on the links below:
- Workout 5 days a week- FINISHED
- This month I have been doing a Beachbody program- The Prep
- Take a walk daily- FINISHED
- Each day I am taking my sweet Lilo for a walk
- Many days it’s 2 (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening)
- Sometimes it’s just Lilo & I. These are great for having some quiet time
- Other times I use this to catch up with someone else- either on the phone or with someone joining me
- Meditate 10 minutes a day
- This didn’t happen daily unfortunately
- When it does happen, it’s through an app called Calm- click here to get the details
- There are different programs you can do within the app
- I have been doing one called How to Meditate
- My daughter showed me an app she is using called Headspace, which I might use also
Things that I have watched or listened to recently:
TV shows/movies-
- Grace and Frankie- Netflix
- Hamilton on Disney plus
- Virgin River- Netflix
- Sweet Magnolia- Netflix
The Naked Marriage with Dave and Ashley– this is a great podcast and has suggestions and ideas on keeping your marriage strong
Well Well Well Podcast- this podcast is like chatting with your BFF, it covers all types of topics about leading a life of wellness. I love that every podcast they share their favorite beverage and something that they are really enjoying. I have learned about some new things that I am loving myself!
The Crystal Paine Show-Crystal and her husband Jesse host this podcast. Crystal has a blog called Moneysavingmom.com which has great tips on saving money! During the podcast I love the part on- “What’s saving my life”. They share tips on what is helping make lives easier.
Rise Podcast by Rachel Hollis- Rachel is an author and has provided motivation to many women all over the world, each one of her podcasts provide motivation
I would love to hear your favorite podcasts as I am always looking for new ones to add!
Links to my favorite goal planning tools:
Erin Condren Life Planner- click here for a $10 off coupon once you make an account
She has lots of different options of planners, it is an organizing lovers dream site!!
Each month has a goals page- which I LOVE- it’s a great place to prepare for the upcoming month!
Pilot Precise pens- link to similar ones
The Four Tendencies (click here for the link to purchase)– this book really helped me recognize the way that I am naturally motivated. Then it gave me practical ways to use it to my benefit. (It also helps on working with others in your life who have different tendencies)
Thanks for stopping by!
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Be well,
***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!
D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.