Well Happy Friday Friends!! Welcome to my new blog series “Fitness Friday”. Every Friday, I would like to share different ways to stay active. Working out doesn’t always have to mean going to a gym. Try a bike ride, body-weight exercises at home or in the office, or a dance party with your kids. I personally use all of those things. Part of having a Real Life means that we aren’t perfect & we have to make do with what is happening in our day. In case you missed my post the other day about making my vision board , I made some goals for myself for the year. To kick off Fitness Friday, I wanted to share my Fitness Goals for the year. Everyone’s fitness goals are going to look extremely different, depending on where you are at on your journey, your overall health & obviously please talk to your doctor or a professional before you start any kind of exercise routine, to make sure that you are safe to do so. Anything I share about fitness, comes from my own personal experience and not from any level of professional advice!!

It always makes me a little nervous to share personal things… but hopefully it is helpful to see!
Goal #1~
First and foremost, I am running the 1/2 Marathon this year.It’s been 4 years since I ran a 1/2 marathon. While I am super excited, I am also little freaked out! Running doesn’t come natural for me, so I have to stick to a training plan!
Goal #2~
Improving gymnastics Crossfit movements that I want to work on are: Toes to Bar, continue to improve my pull-ups & I would love to be able to get a bar muscle up or a ring muscle up.
Goal #3~
Workout at least 5 times a week. Again this doesn’t necessarily have to be in a gym. If you saw my post the other day about Aaptiv it’s an app that gives you tons of workouts that you can do from anywhere!
Goal #4~
Yoga at least 1/week. When I do yoga, it brings me peace. Going back to my word of the year, I am looking for more ways to bring PEACE in to my life. Again that Aaptiv app has yoga classes, so it makes it easy to do from home!!
Goal #5~
Is related to Goal #1 Run 3/week, which will be my training plan while I am training for the 1/2. After the 1/2 is over I would like to continue to run 3/week. Running without a race planned is not something that I have been able to do in the past. So I will have to check back with you in May to see if I can keep it up!
Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear your ideas on Wellness or things that you do on a daily basis to bring you peace or whatever goal you are reaching for!
Faith ♥
***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!