How to Build a Terrarium

If you are looking for a fun DIY project that is pretty simple and beautiful, you just might want to learn- how to build a terrarium! If you haven’t heard of a terrarium or aren’t sure exactly what it is- It is a unique type of indoor garden, mini ecosystem, using small potted plants. They can be enclosed or open. Making a terrarium is simple and doesn’t take a long time to do. I love that you can personalize it to make it just how you want it!

How to build a terrarium- step by step guide:

Step 1: picking your container-

I chose an open terrarium. Glass is a good choice so that you can see the different layers and it lets light in all sides. Finding a wide mouth container helps with the planting process. What’s cool about this project is you can pick any container, even a mason jar can work well!

Step 2: adding rocks/pebbles for drainage-

Adding 1 1/2-2 inches of rocks and pebbles gives the bottom layer of your terrarium somewhere for the water to drain.

Step 3: adding soil-

When adding soil to your terrarium, it’s important to pick the right kind. You want to pick one with lots of organic matter. I chose an organic mix that is for succulents and cactuses.

Step 4: start planting-

Step 5: add sheet moss and decorate-

This is the most fun step, I think! Adding sheet moss gives the terrarium even more texture and you can add more color and personality. Picking different see glass, stones, shells or any small tokens gives it personality and charm!

Watering and Maintaining the Terrarium:

This is the trickiest part. Too much or too little water can be detrimental to your terrarium. I am still learning, since this is my first terrarium. Each one will have a little different needs, but here are some basics to consider.

  • The soil should feel moist- not wet and not dry
  • If plants are crispy, fading or drooping- they need more water
  • Use a mister or sprayer to water a terrarium- if you pour water directly on your terrarium, it is easy to flood the plants
  • If you have an open terrarium, try watering about 1 every 10 days
  • If you have a closed terrarium, it can go much longer like 1 time a month

Making it into a gathering- it’s always more fun with friends!

Everyone’s terrarium turned out so pretty and unique!


I hope you enjoyed learning how to build a terrarium! If you decide to make one, I would love to see how it turned out!

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