Friday favorites- top 5 things making me smile this week

Bringing back one of my favorite posts~ my Friday Favorites! This is the post that I have had the most people ask me where it went! There is something that is just fun about knowing people’s favorite things. So I ask only one thing in return- that you share your favorites with me too! Looking for more favorites- check out my 5 Favorite shows I watched in 2020 and my 5 Favorite books of 2020.

Friday favorites- top 5 things making me smile this week:

1. Hazelnut decaf coffee

It’s cold here, and could drink coffee ALL day long, just to stay warm. But I would be a jittery mess, so I am really loving decaf coffee right now. Especially when my hubby makes it and brings it to me- it is my love language.

2. Slippers

The weather we have been having here is ridiculously snowy and cold. There is something so comforting about putting on a pair of slippers, that instantly warms me up!

3. Sleep meditations on Calm

When I have a lot of things that I am thinking about, my sleep is really affected by it. But in my calm app I found a section all about sleep. There are a whole bunch of meditations all focused on helping you get to sleep. There are also these amazing sleep stories- ever wondered what it would be like to be read a bedtime story by Matthew McConaughey, well wonder no more.. it can now be a reality! The sleep feature on Calm has been a lifesaver this week for sure!

4. My Virtual Book Club

So I love reading and love sharing books and ideas about books, and started a virtual book club this month! If you love to read & want to be part of a virtual book club- come join my Real Life Real Book Club Facebook group!

5. Podcasts

I may be what you call a Podcast connoisseur. Here are some of my favorites currently

  • Well Well Well Podcast
  • The Rachel Hollis Podcast
  • The Life Coach School Podcast

What are some of your favorite things? I would love to hear what’s making your list!

Don’t miss out!

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Faith ♥

***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

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