Simple Ways to Enjoy Life- My Five Weekly Favorites

Looking back this past week on what made my favorites list (and probably true for every week), I find things that are making life more enjoyable and simple. Simple ways to enjoy life would be a good way to describe my favorite things. I would love to hear what your favorites are!

Simple ways to enjoy life

  1. Making bread

    • Having an Urban Homestead has been something we have been working on incorporating in every aspect of our lives. Growing and making our own food is a big part of that.
    • I have been trying my hand at making things from scratch, and this week I made bread in a bread maker my mom gave me because she wasn’t using it. My goal is to make bread for our household and not buy it anymore.
    • This was a much easier way to make bread then when I attempted it completely by hand. So yay for bread makers!!
    • Bread Maker
  2. Podcast- The Old Fashioned On Purpose with Jill Winger

    • Speaking of having a homestead, this podcast (and her website and Youtube channel) is packed full of great ways to having a homestead, no matter what type land you have- even if it is an apartment!! I have been totally binge listening to her this week!
    • This podcast gives simple solutions to ways to reach goals of having a homestead with using what you have. We dream of owning 40 acres some day- it would be easy to say that we can’t do farming things until then. We don’t have to wait for the perfect ideal situation to do the things we want to do!
  3. Making Spaghetti Squash in the crockpot

    • Crockpot
    • This can be done in 6 simple steps
      1. Wash your squash
      2. Pierce it several times with a knife
      3. Put it in the crockpot with 1 cup of water or broth
      4. Cook on low for 4-6 hours
      5. Remove from the crockpot– it will be hot so BE CAREFUL!!
      6. Cut it in half and shred the noodles
  4. Meditating

    • Using the Calm app every morning really gets my day started off a great way
    • Meditating used to be too hard. The fact is, I was making it too hard.
    • My first barrier- I need to do it at the “right” time
      • I had the “right” time thing stuck in my head. For some reason I thought doing it in the middle of the day would be the perfect time to meditate. But it never happened, so how perfect or right could it actually be?
      • Doing it first thing has fixed this problem. After waking up, I go from the bed to the couch and meditate right away. Currently I am doing a 10 minute meditation, it’s a really nice way to transition into the day.
    • Ways I am looking at adding in more meditation
    • Meditation has helped bring a calmness to my thoughts and mind that I didn’t know was possible. It was really hard for me to get this started. I always felt like I was failing because I can’t keep my mind from thoughts coming in. Finally (through taking one of the meditation classes on the Calm app) I learned that isn’t a failure, it’s normal and part of the process. It is learning to acknowledge those thoughts and not let them take over.
    • Using this app is definitely been on the top of the list of  simple ways to enjoy life!
  5. GI Pro Max by Mother Nature Labs

    • GI Pro Max
    • For my whole life I have struggled with eczema and have tried EVERY possible solution. Seriously, every lotion, cream, ointment, medication, different diets, and probiotics. While talking to my medical provider about what else I can do (I am at the point that I have been thinking about starting a biologic- which I don’t want to do) She suggested this GI Pro Max. It is a powder that you mix with a little water. It has a prebiotic, probiotic and digestive enzymes.
    • I figured I would give it a try, as I would much rather fix the issue, than put a bandaid on it. But I was very skeptical. She said it could take up to a month to see a difference. After being on it less than a week, I started seeing a difference and continue to see improvements.

When looking to add simple things to enjoy life more, it may be important to ask yourself what are your goals, what areas in your life are there challenges or difficulties. Then take a look at solutions out there that help ease those. Each one of my favorites helps solve a problem or nuisance in my life. My hope is that through sharing what is helpful in my life, you may find something that helps you too! I would love to hear your favorites- who knows, they may become one of my favorites as well!

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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