Setting Goals for January

Mental clutter is just as disruptive as physical clutter- sometimes even more! One of the ways that I try and prevent mental clutter, is by setting goals. I wanted to walk you through the process for setting goals for January. How I set my goals has been an evolving process, and will probably keep evolving as I do! Don’t miss my previous post “How to set Monthly goals an achieve them”.

Setting goals for January:

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Setting goals for January- here’s how I did it:

  1. Write out the projects I am going to finish in January
    • Each week I organize/clean out a closet or area
      • Master bedroom closet
      • Master bathroom closet
      • Living room closet
      • Hall closet
    • File all papers
  2. Fill in Birthdays and Anniversaries
    • go through my calendar to find birthdays and anniversaries
    • plan gift and/or card buying
  3. Plan what books I am going to read

Each week:

Then each week I set my goals for the week I write out exactly what I want to do in detail. Here is an example of what last week looked like-

  1. Personal
    • meditate daily
    • journal daily
    • set a daily alarm
  2. Wellness
    • Meal prep
    • 8000 steps a day
    • Drink 65 ounces of water
  3. Relationships
    • get together for my father-in-laws bday
    • double date brunch
    • time with my kids
  4. Financial
    • Budget review- we are using Every dollar Matters by Dave Ramsey
  5. Home
    • Clean and organize the closet off of living room
    • Kitchen cleaned and dishwasher started every night
  6. Learn
    • CEU’s

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The benefits of setting goals for January (or any month):

  • Helps to bring focus on what you want to accomplish
  • Improves your productivity
  • Brings more peace to your life

Watch this video by Rachel Hollis about goal setting- talk about motivation

Tips on setting goals:

  1. Learn about your personality
    • Learning about your personality tremendously helps you figure out what systems work best for you.
    • Being an Obliger (Gretchen Rubin’s 4 tendencies), I learned that having an accountability partner is magic for me- so I found one.
      • We meet weekly (via zoom) to talk about how we did the previous week on our goals and what we are planning for the next week
    • As an Enneagram 2 aka “The Helper” (The Road Back to You), I know that self care can easily go on the back burner. Also, as a 2, my instinct is to not ask for what I need. But both of these things- lack of self care and not expressing my needs, makes me feel resentful. And that is no fun for anyone!! So I build in self care and my needs into my goals.
  2. Set a calendar reminder or an alarm to go off monthly and weekly
    • This is a must for me, or else I will forget
  3. Post your goals where you can see them
    • Having a list of your goals where you see them every day is powerful
    • My favorite way to do this is with a vision board

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Be well,


***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use and love it!!

D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.

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