On this Thankful Thursday lets talk about finding joy when life doesn’t go as planned…

It’s my year of joy! My year of peace in 2018 has led to my year of joy in 2019! What I have discovered is that having joy is an attitude, a perception. Even in the hard times, when things don’t go right- there is still joy to be found. I had a day this week that was FRUSTRATING, and that’s okay, it’s okay to feel frustrated. BUT it’s sooo important to still recognize the joy- because there is ALWAYS joy.  

“When you focus on the good, the good gets better”

~Abraham Hicks

So what do you do when a day goes whack-a-doodle? Because let’s face it, that’s part of life~ things go wrong, plans change, life does not always cooperate with our schedule. How I have learned to deal with this is #1 Recognize the frustration, it’s okay to feel whatever you are feeling, but #2. ALSO recognize those things that went right and something positive that happened. When you look for the good, the good becomes so much more obvious. For example- on my day when nothing seemed to go right, I ended up being able to snuggle up on the couch with my son and my puppy and watch 2 episodes of Parks and Rec (our current binging show). If my day would of gone as planned, I wouldn’t of had that experience. So while I can recognize a frustration, more importantly I can focus on the positive that happened. Click here to see my original post on my word of the year!

Recent joyful moments:

Trae & Lilo, Me with my mama, devotional and coffee,
Taylor & Jakob took me to lunch, Snuggled on the couch watching Parks and Rec, my sweet Lilo
Eating dinner with Summer, Exploring Austin with my fiance :), show choir competition

My finding joy is going to be tested over the next couple of months. If you have been reading my blog, you may have noticed over the last year I have talked about an injury to what I thought was my left hip. Come to find out it is a partial detachment/tear of my hamstring. Unfortunately that means surgery and crutches/non-weight bearing for several weeks. This was NOT in my plan for this year!! First of all I HATE asking for/needing help, I don’t like to sit and am a very active person. This will be quite a journey physically and emotionally and I would be lying if I tried to act like I wasn’t completely terrified, but there is already joy in this experience. My co-workers have lined up bringing me 2 meals a week. I have a wonderful fiance, kids, family, friends, and co-workers that are so gracious and loving, who have offered to help with anything I need. Honestly, it’s so hard for me to accept help as I am naturally a care taker and nurturer. I am used to being the one who helps, not the one needing help. But this will be such a lesson for me. Appreciation, love, support, joy are all words that are already filling my heart.

So I need ideas- if you have good book recommendations, workouts that don’t require lower body movements. fun projects to do while sitting, other ideas PLEASE let me know! I am trying to get some things ready and lined up!!

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Looking forward to my year of JOY! Thanks for stopping by…

Faith ♥

***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

2 thoughts on “On this Thankful Thursday lets talk about finding joy when life doesn’t go as planned…

  1. Faith, I’m sooo sorry you have to go thru this. Al has a hamstring that’s been painful for over a year. Maybe he should get an MRI? Right now I’m reading Lincoln’s 2018 One Book Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI. It’s true but reads like a novel. I get books from the library, & if there aren’t any copies I put them on hold thru the Lincoln Libraries site. A books I have but haven’t read yet is The Happiness Project or why I spent a year trying to sing in the morning, clean my closets, fight right, read Aristotle, and generally have more fun. Good luck in the next few weeks. Hope you get lots of things done that you never usually have time to do, such as reading good books! Take care, Karen

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