Well Hi friends! For many years, I was a horrible sleeper. Sleeping effects everything we do from concentration, to our health, our weight and even our immune systems. Sleep is one of the pillars of health and we really can’t be the best and healthiest version of ourselves without it!! If you are struggling with sleep, like I was, it is worth it to figure out how to make it better.
One of the biggest tips to getting good sleep is having a bed time routine. We are creatures of habit and our bodies like routines. Bedtime routines look different for everyone, so you might have to experiment with different things to find what works for you.
My bedtime routine includes:
- Get in the going to bed mindset~ about an hour before bed ~Drinking Sleepy Time tea (or some nights a glass of wine
- Take a hot bath- add some epsom salts or a bath bomb for extra relaxation
- Using a foam roller and/or doing some stretches
- Diffusing lavender essential oil with a diffuser
- Journaling
- If you have a lot on your mind, this can be helpful before bed as a way to release all those thoughts
- OR use this time to write down 3 things you are thankful for from your day
- Simply Being Meditation App
- This App is a lifesaver if you have a mind that wanders and thinks about your to-do list, things you are stressed about or worries from the day. The first part is a relaxing voice that walks you through a relaxation exercise. You can pick how long you want that to be. Next is nature sounds- again you set the sound and the amount of time you want this to go on for.
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Faith ♥
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