When you have kids, extra papers, backpacks, school stuff, schedules, a puppy who somehow accumulates as much stuff as a human, work stuff, bills, and just life in general, you quickly learn clutter becomes part of life !! Even so, I refuse to let clutter win! It’s a balancing act- the times when I have refused to allow ANY, clutter has also been times where I feel like I just harped on my kids or anyone else in the house all the time. That’s not a good place to be in either. Just like anything in life perfection is not possible! But there are ways to keep clutter at bay, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time!! Let’s talk about 10 things you can declutter THIS weekend!
One thing that I would highly suggest that has been very beneficial in my decluttering journey is to have a designated tote or basket that is kept out of the way to put items you want to donate in. I keep mine out of site in a closet on the main floor. When it’s full- that just means it is time to go and drop off at my favorite donation location.
10 things you can declutter this weekend
Coffee mugs-
- take all of the mugs out and really take stock at what you use. How many coffee mugs do you own and how many people use them? Ask yourself what is realistic for your household. This is coming from a girl who LOVES coffee mugs, and trust me it can be difficult!
Expired food in the refrigerator-
- these items are just taking up space. While it’s frustrating to throw stuff away, there is really not anything else to do with it.
Pens, Pencils, Markers and Crayons-
- if any are broken or dried up, just toss those suckers!! You can also recycle and donate crayons- how cool is that?
Plastic containers that do not have lids or are not useable
- some of these can be recycled, also if you just have a random lid with no container that it fits, what the heck~ get rid of that too!!!
Plastic grocery bags-
- wow- those can really add up!
- Many grocery stores take back these plastic bags to recycle and also pet shelters can reuse them for cleaning up waste. Honestly I have really tried to REMEMBER to bring in my reusable bags and NOT have plastic bags in my home at all, but so far that hasn’t happened 100%
Serving spoons and utensils-
- it’s a good idea to go through these periodically. Things like these tend to multiply in my house!!
Kitchen knives-
- A few questions to ask yourself- how much space do you have for knifes? How many do you really use?
- I am a somewhat reformed magazine hoarder. Really and truly I am trying to get better. Getting rid of a magazine after a couple of months tends to be the best method for me. These can be recycled, passed on to a friend or neighbor, donated to a school for art projects. Seriously I found some magazines that were like 10 years old in my house. Yikes!!
I am a true book lover, but there are only a few books that I will read multiple times. It works best to take all books off of the shelf and sort through them. The library will let you donate books and there are some book buy back programs.
- If you have a manual for products you don’t own anymore- straight to the recycle bin, absolutely no need to keep those
- Even if there is a manual for something you still own, take the time to see if you can find it online instead of having it take up space in your home.
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D I S C L A I M E R Anything that I discuss about making any lifestyle changes is from my own experience and/or other clients personal experiences and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your health professional before making changes in your own life. By engaging in anything that I talk about, you agree that you do so at your own risk.